Alumni Award Winners

年度校友奖每年颁发给在专业和个人方面都取得成功的湖滨大学毕业生. Meet some of our recent award winners.

2019 Dan Hartwig

马尼托瓦克县警长丹·哈特威格于1998年毕业于湖岸技术学院,获得警察科学(现称为刑事司法-执法)副学士学位。. 丹很感谢湖岸在他的职业生涯中为他打开了许多门,他的职业生涯始于马尼托瓦克县警长办公室的副警长. With future goals in sight, including fulfilling his lifelong dream of being elected Sheriff, he earned his bachelor’s degree in Administration of Justice. 他还毕业于著名的联邦调查局国家学院和国家警长学院.

Dan于2019年1月上任,领导着一个由110人组成的机构,致力于改善我们的社区. 他的目标是建立一个建立在信任基础上的组织,一个鼓励帮助他人的机构. 他也是lakesshore和Fox Valley技术学院执法项目的兼职讲师.

奉献精神和动力帮助丹提升了他的职业生涯,并赢得了几个奖项. 他在他的职业生涯中非常活跃,除了他的道路巡逻职责外,还承担了多种角色和责任, including serving as a member of the Manitowoc County SWAT Team.

不工作的时候,丹花很多时间参加社区活动. He is a high school football coach, board member for The Haven of Manitowoc County, and a Kiwanis International member.

2018 Lois Vasquez

每当生活给露易丝带来职业挑战时,她都信任湖岸技术学院. 在进入湖滨大学之前,露易丝在一家加油站做三班服务员. In 2001, 她来到湖滨大学是为了利用她在现实世界的经验和正规的培训——她设计了自己的个性化技术研究学位——安全/监督.  像许多学生一样,她一边上课一边工作,并于2005年获得了她的第一个副学士学位. With jobs in supervision scarce and the need for skilled welders high, Lois, again, trusted Lakeshore, earning her Welding-Industrial technical diploma in 2006.

Times were good for Lois the welder, until the economic downturn of 2009. In 2010, 露易丝参加了湖滨大学的it网络项目,直面了这个严峻的挑战, 2012年,她将目光投向了一个全新的职业,并获得了第二个副学士学位.  During this time, Lois was elected by her peers to serve as Secretary of the Lakeshore Student Government Association; she also represented her peers in Wisconsin Student Government--reaching above and beyond the classroom to develop her professional skills.  Since then, Lois一直在IT领域工作,最近刚刚回到制造业,并在她喜欢的职业中利用她所有的技能. 露易丝的努力工作和对湖滨改变生活的力量的不懈信念给了她很多机会.

Now, as an Lakeshore alumna and Board Member, 无论何时何地,只要人们在听,露易丝都会分享她的故事——通过湖滨教育灌输希望.

2017 Cindy Howley

辛迪毕业于湖滨大学,获得律师助理专业的副学士学位. 她继续推进她的职业和教育,回到学校,获得了红衣主教斯特里奇大学的商业管理学士学位和波士顿学院的企业公民领导证书. She is currently the Manager of Kohler Stewardship & 自1979年以来,他一直在科勒公司担任各种职务. 

In her current role, 她负责公司的全球企业社会责任项目, Kohler Stewardship, which includes local community impact at Kohler locations throughout the world, charitable giving, Arts/Industry, Innovation for Good, WaSH (water, sanitation and hygiene) initiatives, NGO partnerships and associate-driven events.  

Cindy目前担任Sheboygan县联合之路的董事会成员, Friendship House and Youth Theatre Company. She has also served on the board of the Stephanie H. 威尔表演艺术中心和弗吉尼亚理工大学厨房和浴室顾问委员会.   

2016 Matthew Fehrmann

Matthew Fehrmann graduated from Lakeshore in the spring of 2003, earning an Associate’s Degree in the IT Network Specialist program. 他继续推进他的事业和教育,回到学校,并获得银湖学院商业学士学位, and a Master’s degree in business administration from Marquette University. Fehrmann is currently the IT & 自2003年起在马尼托瓦克Kaysun公司担任市场经理.

In his current role, Matt负责所有数字营销,强调使用入站营销.  他还负责服务器、网络、桌面、局域网、广域网等所有IT功能.  As Matt’s role with Kaysun continues to grow, his role is focusing more on the business side of IT, and implementing modules of their ERP software in all areas of the business.  In doing so, 他试图通过让用户将系统用于所有业务功能来提高操作效率.


2015 Travis Knier

Travis于2003年毕业于Lakeshore的市场营销专业,同年10月加入SEEK Staffing Solutions,开始了他在人力资源领域的职业生涯,同时获得了马尼托沃克银湖学院的学士学位. In August of 2007, Travis以人力资源管理员的身份加入Rockline Industries,并于2013年晋升为目前的职位,担任人才招聘协调员.

In his current role, Travis is responsible for attracting, developing, 并通过不懈地寻找和发掘优秀的候选人来源来留住顶尖的行业人才, initiating and nurturing relationships, directing the design/placement of employment advertising, and evaluating the overall effectiveness of Rockline's recruiting efforts.

Travis has continued his education during his career, 在希博伊根的莱克兰学院攻读工商管理硕士学位.  他还担任Sheboygan地区人力资源管理协会通讯委员会主席, an organization he has been active with since 2012. 特拉维斯还在湖岸技术学院人力资源管理顾问委员会任职